Winner Police Department
Mission Statement
The mission of the Winner Police Department is to protect and serve the citizens of Winner. The Winner Police Department provides pro-active and reactive law enforcement services. The pro-active approach is done through public visibility and community programs. The reactive approach is responding to emergency and non-emergency calls from the public.
Marc Dvorak
Chief of Police

Important Information
Phone Numbers For Weather/Road Conditions
South Dakota 511
Nebraska (800)906-9069
Minnessota (800)542-0220
North Dakota (701)328-7623
Iowa (800)288-1047
Rapid City Area (605)394-2243
Storm Shelter Locations
Winner Police Department 217 E. 3rd Street
Tripp County Courthouse, 200 E. 3rd Street
Winner Community Center 300 Block of Van Buren
Winner National Guard Armory East 7th St
HSI Victim Notification Program
Allows eligible victims and witnesses to obtain reliable and timely information regarding a criminal alien’s release from custody.
Bike Info
The Winner Police Department, which is open 24 hours, gives out Free Bike Licenses.
The City of Winner has a curfew for anyone that is 17 years of age or younger, unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. The time of the curfew is 10:30 p.m on nights when there is school the next day and midnight on all other nights.
All dogs that are in the City of Winner must be on a leash, chain or in an enclosed fenced in area. In addition, all dogs must be current on their rabies shots.
Crime Stoppers
(605) 842-3939 This is our Crime Stopper Line. If you want to remain anonymous and have information on crim, you can call our Crime Stopper Line. You will be given a number to use for further calls. If the information received leads to the arrest and conviction of the person, you may receive a cash reward.