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City of Winner
Public Works

Our mission is to provide the best services and utilities to the people of Winner. We understand the importance of safe and reliable access to utilities, including water and electricity. We continually invest in our infrastructure to ensure that our resources are dependable and environmentally sustainable. Our dedicated departments work tirelessly to keep our streets clean, our sewage system functioning efficiently, and our garbage and recycling programs successful. We also provide parks and recreation options for all ages and abilities in our community to enjoy.

Troy Krueger

Public Works Director

Phone: (605)842-2606 Option #5

Fax:( 605)842-1653


The Public Works Director is responsible for overseeing:
Water - Electric - Wastewater - Streets - Parks - Landfill -

Sanitation - Swimming Pool- Cemetery- Recycling


Kelly Duffy, Supervisor

Electric Cables

Curt Haakinson, Superintendent

Water Filter Faucet

Mark Liebrich, Supervisor

Landfill Management
Garbage Truck

River Bottom Sanitation

Splashing Water in the Pool
American War Cemetery
Girls Carrying a Recycling Bin

Dates to Remember

Billing Date is the first of the month

Bills due by the 10th of the month

Late notices sent on the 15th of the month

Late fees assessed on the 20th of the month

Disconnects on the 25th of the month

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