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Agenda 1/16/24

Writer's picture: Chelsea LuseChelsea Luse

Winner City Council Agenda For Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 A. 6:30pm: CALL MEETING TO ORDER IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS B. ROLL CALL: Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Previous Meeting Minutes 01-02-2024 2. December 2023 financial statement E. AGENDA Motion _______________ F. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Public Input 2. Tripp County Fairboard, Rusty Heenan 3. New Hires G. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Public Safety Commissioner, Justin Day 2. Planning and Zoning Director, Chelsea Luse 3. DGR, Jacob Morris 4. Public Works Director, Troy Kruger 5. Finance Officer, Chandra Phillips H. BID OPENINGS 1. None I. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. None J. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 1. None K. OLD BUSINESS 1. Jones, Brule, Corson and Campbell County Jail Contract Addendums. Motion _______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ L. NEW BUSINESS 1. (Finance/Insurance/Admin Building Committee Clay/Klundt) Donate $_______________ to Tripp County Fairboard Motion ______________ 2. (Ordinance Committee Klundt/Schramm) District III 2024 Agreement and have the Mayor sign. Motion_______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ 3. (Corrections Committee Schramm/Hockett) 2024 Idemia Maintenance and Support agreement and have the Mayor sign Motion ______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ 4. (Finance/Insurance/Admin Building Committee Clay/Klundt) FY 2024 FAA AIP Miscl Concrete Airport Project Grant Application and have the Mayor sign. Motion ______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ 5. (Finance/Insurance/Admin Building Committee Clay/Klundt) Correction of 3 waged listed incorrectly at last meeting (see attachment) Motion _________________ 6. (Ordinance Committee Schramm/Klundt) Resolution 2024-1 – Personnel Policy, Pilot program Motion ______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ 7. (Ordinance Committee Clay/Klundt) Resolution 2024- 2 – Encumbering Motion ______________ Clay ___ Hockett ___ Klundt ___ Schramm ___ Schuyler ___ Sprenkle ___ 8. (Ordinance Committee Schramm/Klundt) First reading of Ordinance #1070 – Recreational Trailers Motion ______________ 9. (Corrections/Code Enforcement Committee Schramm/Hockett) Hire _________________ as Code Enforcement Officer at $_________ annual salary, 6 month probation and full benefits. Motion ______________ 10.Claims Motion_______________ M. EXECUTIVE SESSION If Needed 1. Motion to enter into at _____pm by _______ _______ for a ______________ issue per SDCL 1-25-2 ( ). Motion to exit at _______pm by ______ _______. N. ADJOURNMENT Motion by ________Second by __________at _________pm. January 2nd, 2024 Mayor Brozik called a meeting of the Winner City Council to order at 6:30PM on January 2nd, 2024, at the Council Chambers located at 325 S. Monroe St. Councilmen attending were Clay, Hockett, Klundt, Schramm, Schuyler, and Sprenkle. Also attending were City Attorney Paul Jensen, Public Safety Commissioner Justin Day, and Finance Officer Chandra Phillips. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Conflicts of interest were stated as none. Motion by Schuyler second by Sprenkle to approve the consent agenda, the following items were approved with this motion, Previous meeting minutes 12-18-23 and the resignation of Chelsea Luse from Planning and Zoning; motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schuyler second by Hockett to approve the agenda, motion carried 6-0. Recognition of Visitors and Communications Dr. Layra Rowlings from the vet clinic spoke about the proposed cat and dog ordinance under old business. Fuel Bids were presented as the following: New Hires for the previous two week were Holly Lillebo as Deputy Finance officer full benefit, 6 month probation at $24.03/hour and Shayne Day in Corrections Full benefits and 6 month probation at $22.79/hour. Department Reports 2nd meeting only Bid Openings None Public Hearings On sale special event application from the Black lab for an event at St Mary’s Hall on January 11th and 12th, Motion by Sprenkle second by Klundt to approve; motion carried 6-0. On sale special event application from the Black Lab for an event at St Mary’s Hall on January 27th and 28th, Motion by Klundt second by Schuyler to approve; motion carried 6-0. Board of Adjustments None Old Business Bidder # 2 Diesel Dyed #2 Clear Diesel # 1 Dyed Diesel 50/50 Reg unleaded Propane Fuel Oil 12/20/2023 Vollin Oil $3.05 $3.36 $3.20 $2.84 $3.05 12/20/2023 CHS $1.35 12/20/2023 Schaeffer 12/27/2023 Vollin Oil $2.98 $3.28 $3.13 $2.78 $2.98 12/27/2023 CHS $1.35 12/27/2023 Schaeffer Motion by Sprenkle second by Schram to table second reading for passage and approval of Ordinance #1070 – recreational trailer, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schramm second by Klundt to approve second reading for passage and approval of Ordinance #1071 – cats and dogs. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion by Schuyler second by Sprenkle to table second reading for passage and approval of Ordinance #1071 – cats and dogs, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schramm second by Klundt to approve the Greogry co, Walworth Co, and Haakon Co jail contract addendums, roll call, Clay Aye, Hockett Aye, Klundt Aye, Schramm Aye, Schuyler Aye, Sprenkle Aye, motion carried 6-0. New Business Motion by Hockett second by Schramm to approve the MOU with addendums with Tripp Country – 24/7 program, roll call Clay Aye, Hockett Aye, Klundt Aye, Schramm Aye, Schuyler Aye, Sprenkle Aye, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Klundt second by Clay to approve the 2024 wages as provided, motion carried 6-0 Wages for 2023: Mayor,-10,800 annual; Councilpersons-7,200 annual; Planning Zoning Commission 45.00 per meeting and Chairman-60.00 per meeting; A Gililland- $17.42 hr.; C Phillips $63,037.24 annual.; B Osborn- $20.85 hr.; H Lillebo- 24.03 hr. ;R Augspurger- 30.42 hr.; C. Luse – $57,712.03 annual; M Dvorak - $66,868.00annual; W Nagel(pt)-$22.79 hr.; J Day- $76,869.62 annual; R Blare(pt)- $26.15hr.; K Krowlikowski $26.08hr.; K Teger(pt)$23.10hr; A Bossert(pt)$23.44; G Thunder$26.07hr ; J Atkins(pt)$23.44hr; C. Aid $23.99 hr.; J Long Crow $23.41; E Brill $23.41 hr; B Remmers $23.41;P Fitzgerald $22.28hr; J Robertson $23.41; W Foster $22.28; K Swedlund(pt)$25.58; M Miller(pt) $22.28; J Augspurger- $67,765.00 annual; E Davidson (pt)- $22.54hr.; S Bice- $29.00hr.; K Mach- $28.14hr.; K Robertson- $27.13hr.; J Peterson(pt)-$21.31hr.; E Vobr - $26.08; J Rehak –$32.29 hr.; R Olson- $24.29 hr.; C Drapeau- $24.06 hr. ; B Gardner-$24.03 hr.; S Poessnecker- $22.79 hr.; M Janis- $22.96hr.; R Farley (pt)$21.06hr.; K Gastonguay $24.11 hr.; J Koenig (pt)$23.50- hr.; M Cook $20.71hr.; S Herman $22.79 hr.; W Walking Eagle $22.83hr.; C Kemp - $22.79hr; D McIntyre- (pt)$21.16hr.; L Plank(pt)- $23.45hr; B Flores- $24.06hr.; B Heth (pt)$20.96; A Frank-$22.79 hr.; J Wortman- $24.07 hr.; D Holthus- $22.79 hr; L Haukass (pt)$21.18hr.;J Goerhing-(pt)$21.06; H Wortman-$20.58hr.; A Willuweit- $22.96hr; C Frank $23.41hr.; J Gregg$22.79 hr.; T Andrews$22.79hr.; M Slovek$22.79 hr.; K Grim$22.79hr.; K Carter $22.79hr.; B Larson $22.79 hr.; C Plumbtree$22.79hr.; N Howland$22.79hr.; M Koenig (pt)$20.93hr.;A Ptacek- $65,878.32 annual; AJ Wiley- $27.10hr.; C Sinkular-$24.26 hr.;T Welch (pt)$22.54hr.; A Moseman-$22.89 hr.; S Shields (pt)-22.55hr.; K Flores- $25.27hr; M Blare $22.52hr.; M Cook(pt) $22.55 hr.; M Bachmann $20.93hr.; T Bennett- $47.55 hr.; T McClung-$42.53 hr.; C Haakinson - $120,053.31annual; L Kreger - $39.41hr.; C Bryant-$43.51hr.; J Dowling $37.28hr.; P Jensen (pt)- $140.49hr.; M Pederson-$57,712.03 annual; R Arthur-$20.11 hr.; J Tyburec $21.81hr.; K Duffy - $63,769.46annual; T Waters -$24.07 hr.; J Brunmeier- $22.70hr.; C Mayes-$22.87 hr.; B Wetsit $20.11 hr.; B Snow (pt)$20.11hr.; T Kruger$90,683.99annual.; M Leibrich-$63,111.05annual.; M Schroeder- $24.07hr.; R Hespe -$22.24 hr.; T Mead-$20.71 hr; D Mayes – $24.07hr.; Motion by Klundt second by Clay to approve the destruction of FY 2019 records in the Finance Office per SDCL, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Klundt second by Clay to approve the Winner Advocate as the City of Winner official newspaper, motion carried 6- 0. Motion y Clay second by Sprenkle to name the official depositories for the City of Winner as First Fidelity and Bankwest, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schuyler second by Sprenkle to approve hiring John Farner part time in the Corrections Department at $21.77/hour with no benefits, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Clay second by Klundt to list the active fire department roster in minutes for Workman’s comp compliance, motion carried 6-0. Michael Brown; Justin Brunmeier; Jon Burdette; Jarrod Dunham; Scott Ernest; Richard Frazier; David Gastonguay; Zane Hamiel; Russell Hoffer; Dustin Klein; Austin Klundt; Tyler Kucera; Tom Mathis; Donald C. Mayes; Mark McCready; Daniel McMurtrey; Trevor Mead; Tim Meiners; Tom Meiners; Darin Nelson; Blake Nielsen; James O’Connor; Jason Orel; Darrin Paulson; Steve Peters; Darwin Rolf; Matt Schroeder; Justin Vietor; Tad Vosika; Brad Whitley. Motion by Schuyler second by Hockett to accept and pay claims including the additions as presented and to instruct the Finance Officer and to issue warrants on the respective funds with the; motion carried 6- 0. Attorney $3,259.86 PayrollFinance Office $4,727.58 PayrollPolice $16,925.78 PayrollJail $54,342.12 PayrollStreet $5,145.26 PayrollAdministration Bldg $924.21 PayrollCemetery $1,094.83 PayrollParks $3,986.22 PayrollPlanning & Zoning $1,534.69 Payroll911 $14,078.50 PayrollWater $4,747.64 PayrollLight $14,377.43 PayrollSewer $2,227.22 PayrollSanitation $3,167.78 Payroll24/7 $876.15 PayrollTaxes on Payroll $44,505.19 Payroll TaxesAFLAC $3,611.50 InsuranceCity of Winner-Employee Deduction $3,595.97 Employee UtilitiesColonial Insurance $3,113.60 InsuranceCity of Winner-Repay Healthcare $151.00 Health InsuranceHealth Pool of SD $75,218.43 Health InsuranceHealth Pool of SD (Life) $491.74 Life InsuranceOffice of Child Support $1,165.38 Child SupportSDRS Supplemental Retirement $150.00 RetirementCredit Collection Bureau $66.63 GarnishmentSouth Dakota Retirement System $47,166.78 RetirementKennedy Pier Loftus Reynolds $214.61 GarnishmentVision Service Plan $599.04 Vision InsuranceH S A Drafts $1,956.40 H S A AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. $2,090.13 PRISONER CARE SUPPLIES, OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SCRUBSAMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORPORATION $165.75 UPDATE ONLINE ORDINANCESARCHIVE SOCIAL $4,188.00 FINANCE SOFTWARE ANNUAL FEEAT&T MOBILITY - FIRSTNET $1,111.66 CELLULAR AND IPAD WIRELESS SERVICEB & L COMMUNICATIONS $948.00 PORTABLE RADIOS REPAIRBADGER STATE RECOVERY INC $80.00 PAPER SHREDDINGBLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITORIAL $5,278.19 PRISONER CARE SUPPLIESBRANDON JOB $31.03 UTILITY REFUNDCHARM-TEX $1,200.00 INMATE STARTER KITSCITY OF WINNER-UTILITIES $18,909.64 CITY OF WINNER UTILITIESCOUNTY FAIR FOODS $872.08 JAIL COMMISSARYCRESCENT ELECTRIC $23.05 ELECTRIC DEPT - BUTTON PHOTO EYESCYBERTEK SYSTEMS $85.00 JAIL PHONE EXTENTION SWAPDAVID HOWARD $553.22 AIRPORT CONSULTANT AND INTERNETDERALD BACHMANN CONSTRUCTION & REDI MIX $2,140.00 PORTA POTS AT AIRPORT FOR HUNTING SEASONDGR ENGINEERING $2,974.90 UTILITY RELOCATIONDITCH WITCH FINANCIAL SERVICES $3,947.70 MONTHLY BORING MACHINE AND POTHOLER PAYMENTSDOLLAR GENERAL- REGIONS #410526 $24.44 ADMIN BUILDING WATERDONALD G MAYES $343.36 MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENTFAIR - PLAY $1,090.00 DIGITAL BOARD AD REPLACEMENTG & R CONTROLS, INC. $540.00 ADMIN BLDG BOILER REPAIR PARTSGOVERNMENT LEASING, LLC $3,225.00 JAIL BODY SCANNER MONTHLY PAYMENTHARBOR FREIGHT $1,336.97 GENERATORKATHIE COLE $200.00 FIREHALL MONTHLY CLEANINGKENNEBEC TELEPHONE CO $78.76 DISPATCH INTRASTATE MONTHLY STATEMENTKS STATEBANK $30,616.44 2020 PETERBUILT TRUCK YEARLY PAYMENTLISA COLOMBE $105.38 UTILITY REFUNDMCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY $149.90 SANITATION RECEIPT BOOKSMID DAKOTA EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE $18.56 JAIL WASHING MACHINE DOOR SENSOROFFICE OF ENERGY ASSISTANCE $119.35 UTILITY REFUNDOLD DUTCH FOODS, INC $903.84 COMMISSARYPITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC $164.55 POSTAGE METER LEASE JAILPOWERPHONE, INC. $299.70 ANNUAL SOFTWARE AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCEPRESTON FITZGERALD $97.41 UTILITY REFUNDREA $1,283.48 MONTHLY ELECTRICAL SERVICESRIVER BOTTOM SANITATION $31,747.50 MONTHLY GARBAGE PICKUPRON ERNEST & SON CONSTRUCTION $1,641.97 JAIL HOLDING CELL REPAIRSDML WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND $107,511.00 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUNDSECRETARY OF STATE $30.00 EMPLOYEE NOTARY BONDSTUART C. IRBY CO. $607.41 QUARTERLY GLOVE TESTING AND SUPPLIESTEENA'S KITCHEN $40.00 CAKE FOR COUNCIL MEETING - YEARS OF SERVICE TRINITY SERVICES GROUP, INC $11,694.44 INMATE MEALSTRIPP COUNTY WATER USER DISTRICT $42.41 TRANSFER STATION UTILITIESTYLER TECHNOLOGIES $1,445.33 BIOMETRIC READER MAINTENANCE FEB 2024 - SEPT 2024WINNER FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 MONTHLY MAINTENANCEWINNER PLUMBING & HEATING LLC $264.20 JAIL PLUGGED SEWER ADDITIONS: Tripp County Auditor $226, SD Attorneys General $1983, Goldenwest $58.63 Executive Session Motion by Schuyler second by Sprenkle to enter into executive session at 7:27pm for a personnel issue per SDCL 1-25-2(1), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Hockett second by Schuyler to exit executive session at 7:32pm for a personnel issue per SDCL 1-25-2(1), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schuyler second by Klundt to terminate Krystal Kubal for cause effective immediately, motion carried 6-0 Motion by Schuyler second by Hockett to enter into executive session at 7:34pm for a contractual issue per SDCL 1-25-2(3), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Clay second by Schuyler to exit executive session at 7:38pm for a contractual issue per SDCL 1-25-2(3), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Clay second by Hockett to approve the airport management Agreement with Dave Howard and have the Mayor sign, roll call Clay Aye, Hockett Aye, Klundt Aye, Schramm Aye, Schuyler Aye, Sprenkle Aye, motion carried 6-0. Motion by Schuyler second by Hockett to enter into executive session at 7:40pm for a contractual issue per SDCL 1-25-2(3), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Clay second by Sprenkle to exit executive session at 7:50pm for a contractual issue per SDCL 1-25-2(3), motion carried 6-0. Motion by Sprenkle second by Klundt to adjourn the meeting at 7:56pm; motion carried 6-0. Meeting adjourned. Mayor Jody Brozik ATTEST: Finance Officer, Chandra Phillips For any public notice that is published one time: Published once at the approximate cost of ___________. Ashley Moseman 23.15, Clint Sinkular $24.52, Dennis Holtus $23.05 City of Winner, A South Dakota Municipality RESOLUTION 2024-1 This is to certify that: At a regular meeting of the Winner City Council, held on January 16, 2024, following due notice by lawful publication of the agenda, at which regular meeting a required quorum of the City Council was present, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, certain official personnel policies are necessary for the proper conduct of the operations of the City of Winner; and WHEREAS, the City of Winner Policy Book was adopted by Resolution 2023-1 on March 20, 2023, and certain additions or amendments have been made therein since that time; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to amend the City of Winner Policy Book by including therein a Policy for Pilot Program to Prevent Slips & Falls; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, effective upon the adoption of this Resolution, the Policy for Pilot Program to Prevent Slips & Falls dated even herewith shall be, and the same hereby is, ADOPTED as one of the official policies of the City of Winner, to be included in and made a part of the City of Winner Policy Book. Adopted on November January 16, 2024, by roll call vote, with ___ Yes votes and ___ No votes. DATED this 16th day of January, 2024. ____________________________ Jody Brozik, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Chandra Phillips, Finance Officer CITY OF WINNER Policy for Pilot Program to Prevent Slips & Falls Pilot Program to Prevent Slips and Falls Slips and falls are the cause of nearly 25% of the employee injury claims submitted to the SDML Workers Compensation Fund (SDML WCF) annually. In an effort to assist Members in preventing these injuries the SDML WCF developed a Pilot Program to Prevent Slips & Falls (Program). The City of Winner has elected to participate in this Program and has designated employees of certain departments to wear the personal protective equipment (PPE) provided through the Program. Employees selected to participate will:  Receive personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to prevent slips and falls.  Attend training in the proper use of the PPE and the prevention of slips and falls.  Wear this PPE when conditions warrant as discussed during training. An employee that is selected to participate, who is observed not wearing this required PPE as described above may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the policies of the City of Winner. Adopted January 16, 2024 1 RESOLUTION 2024-2 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING 2024 ENCUMBRANCES WHEREAS there are existing bills due and payable relating to Calendar Year 2023 operations of the City of Winner totaling $118,180.86, and WHEREAS it is desirable that these bills be charged to the 2023 appropriation; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Winner does hereby request that the Winner City Finance Officer encumber appropriate balances of December 31, 2023, in the amount of $118,180.86. General Fund 101 Water Fund 602 Electric Fund 603 Sewer Fund 604 *** G R A N D T O T A L *** Finance 4142 Law Enforcement 4211 4330.0002 Hwy Project 4341.0000 Computer Software 4330.0001 Hwy Project 4330.003 Hwy Project $1,850.85 $3,799.98 $6,417.14 $5,793.36 $15,951.10 $84,368.43 $118,180.86 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and support of the municipal government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect upon the passage and publication thereof. Dated this 16th day of January, 2024 ATTEST: CITY OF WINNER Mayor Jody Brozik Finance Officer, Chandra Phillips (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 1070 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.379 OF THE WINNER CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REMOVING THE PROVISION ALLOWING OCCASIONAL USE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLE FOR LIVING, SLEEPING OR HOUSEKEEPING BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Winner, South Dakota: That Section 154.379 of the Winner Code of Ordinances, be amended as follows: § 154.379 PARKING, STORAGE OR USE OF MAJOR RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT. Major Recreational vehicles shall not be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored on a residential lot, or any location not approved for such use. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, they may be used for said purpose for not more than 72 consecutive hours in a month; or for more than 72 consecutive hours but not more than 14 days, after first obtaining a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer and paying the fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25). No more than one (1) permit will be authorized in any calendar year for the same vehicle or the same family. The 72 hour permissive period, or the permit for up to 14 days, require parking the vehicle off-street on private property. Under no circumstances will on-street living, sleeping or housekeeping in a recreational vehicle be permitted at any time. Occasional use may be allowed. A violation of this section shall be punished as provided in § 10.99 of this Code. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its final passage and approval, and upon the passing of twenty (20) days from the date of its publication. DATED this 2nd day of January, 2024. ATTEST: ________________________________ Jody Brozik, Mayor _______________________________ Chandra Phillips, Finance Officer First Reading: January 16, 2024 Second Reading: February 5, 2024 Passage and Approval: February 5, 2024 Publication: February 14, 2024 Updated 1/1/2024 DEPARTMENT POSITION 2024 Rates Public Works Director $72,060.46 $34.64 STREET / LANDFILL Supervisor $57,616.00 $27.70 Foreman $24.03 Mechanic $22.15 Laborer $20.08 WATER/SEWER Supervisor $57,616.00 $27.70 Foreman $24.03 Laborer $20.08 PARKS/CEMETERY Supervisor $57,616.00 $27.70 Foreman $24.03 Laborer $20.08 Summer Labor $15.95 POOL Manager/ Assistant Manager $17.56 Life guards $13.74 ELECTRICAL Supervisor $116,475.22 $56.00 Foreman $46.55 Load Management Tech $43.36 Lineman $42.29 Groundman $23.23 Apprentice 1st 6 month $24.55 2nd $26.66 3rd $28.34 4th $31.30 5th $32.99 6th $34.68 7th $37.22 8th - 6 month $39.34 CITY ATTORNEY PART-TIME $140.26 FINANCE FINANCE OFFICER $57,616.00 $27.70 HR/Safety Director/Deputy $24.03 Accounts payable / Utility billing $20.08 Custodian Full time $17.39 POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER $72,051.20 $34.64 Chief of Police $61,276.80 $29.46 Lieutenant $25.99 LET Certified Officer $23.41 Non-LET Certified Officer $22.28 Animal control officer 8 hrs per month $22.79 CORRECTIONS Administrator $61,276.80 $29.46 Medical Supervisor $30.57 Lieutenant $25.37 Sergeant $24.03 LPN $22.01 Corporal $22.96 Corrections Officer / Cert. LEO $23.41 Corrections Officer $22.79 Corrections Officer PT $20.93 Control Desk $20.93 RN $25.75 Interns $17.59 Records Clerk $20.08 Nursing Assistant $20.08 Cert. LEO -transport drivers $23.41 Maintenance $20.67 Transport Drivers $20.59 911 COMMUNICATIONS Administrator $57,616.00 $27.70 Lieutenant $24.03 CERT Dispatcher $21.99 Non-CERT Dispatcher $20.93 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Planning Zoning Director $57,616.00 $27.70 ** These are starting wages ONLY. Years of experience may affect starting wages. Starting Wage Scale - Administrative Policy PAYROLL 1/10/2024 1 Mayor & Council $ 3,640.81 Payroll 2 Attorney $ 3,451.24 Payroll 3 Finance Office $ 5,321.29 Payroll 4 Police $ 18,597.23 Payroll 5 Fire Payroll 6 Jail $ 58,777.14 Payroll 7 Street $ 7,681.65 Payroll 8 Administration Bldg $ 1,056.66 Payroll 9 Cemetery $ 1,502.45 Payroll 10 Parks $ 4,228.39 Payroll 11 Pool Payroll 12 Planning & Zoning $ 1,812.89 Payroll 13 911 $ 13,469.38 Payroll 14 Water $ 5,896.10 Payroll 15 Light $ 16,929.41 Payroll 16 Sewer $ 2,592.58 Payroll 17 Sanitation $ 2,268.94 Payroll 18 24/7 $ 221.85 Payroll 19 Taxes on Payroll $ 51,426.85 Payroll Taxes 20 Accounts Management Inc Garnishment 21 AFLAC Insurance 22 City of Winner-Employee Deduction $ 3,599.57 Employee Utilities 23 Colonial Insurance Insurance 24 City of Winner-Repay Healthcare $ 151.00 Health Insurance 25 Health Pool of SD Health Insurance 26 Health Pool of SD (Life) Life Insurance 27 Office of Child Support $ 1,165.38 Child Support 28 SDRS Supplemental Retirement $ 150.00 Retirement 29 Credit Collection Bureau $ 66.63 Garnishment 30 South Dakota Retirement System Retirement 31 Kennedy Pier Loftus Reynolds $ 214.61 Garnishment 32 Vision Service Plan Vision Insurance 33 H S A Drafts $ 1,793.26 H S A Subtotal: $ 206,015.31 1 AAA COLLECTIONS, INC $ 115.67 UTILITY COLLECTIONS PAID 2 ACCENT FLORALS $ 58.40 EMPLOYEE FAMILY MEMORIAL 3 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. $ 1,914.59 OFFICE PRODUCTS/PRISONER CARE & PAPER PRODUCTS 4 ASCAP $ 434.00 ANNUAL LICENSE FEE 5 B & J CYCLE $ 25.00 BAR OIL FOR CHAIN SAW 6 BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITORIAL $ 222.82 PRISONER CARE SUPPLIES 7 CHS, INC $ 3,031.30 BULK PROPANE 8 CITY OF WINNER $ 60.97 OIL CHANGE ON W3 9 COUNTY FAIR FOODS $ 1,203.36 JAIL COMMISSARY 10 COUNTY FAIR FOODS $ 177.08 BOTTLED WATER AND OIL 11 CRESCENT ELECTRIC $ 122.53 LED LAMPS 12 CYBERTEK SYSTEMS $ 27.50 DISPATCH MONTHLY ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE 13 CYBERTEK SYSTEMS $ 189.75 JAIL - 3 MONTHS ANTI-VIRUS 14 DAVID HOWARD $ 50.00 PER CONTRACT, WAGES ADDED TO JAN 2 PAYMENT 15 DIRECT TECHNOLOGIES LLC $ 253.75 LAPTOP SETUP 16 DOLLAR GENERAL- REGIONS #410526 $ 33.00 COMMITTEE ROOM WATER 17 DOLLAR GENERAL- REGIONS #410526 $ 641.50 JAIL PRISONER CARE SUPPLIES, COMMISSARY & SUPPLIES 18 DROP TINE DESIGN $ 2,550.00 WEBSITE REBUILD/DESIGN 19 ENGEL TRUCKING $ 3,125.75 DECEMBER HAULS TO TRI COUNTY LANDFILL 20 FAIR MANUFACTURING, INC. $ 2,076.04 CUTTING EDGES FOR SNOWBLOWER 21 FOREST CERV $ 75.00 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPOSIT RETURN 22 FRONTIER MOTORS AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, INC $ 99.95 VEHICLES REPAIRS CLAIMS 1/16/24 23 FRONTIER MOTORS FORD, INC $ 3,300.06 VEHICLES SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 24 GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS $ 2,784.45 MONTHLY PHONE, INTERNET AND EMAIL 25 HARRY K NAPA $ 191.68 MONTHLY STATEMENT 26 HOMETOWN AUTOMOTIVE, INC. $ 377.50 TIRES FOR PD EXPLORER 27 HUGHES BROTHERS 2 $ 154.00 CASE OF GREASE 28 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL $ 5,381.40 MONTHLY STATEMENT 29 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY $ 8,488.24 COMMISSARY 30 KSG $ 637.50 DECALS FOR PICKUPS 31 MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY $ 99.90 WATER METER CARDS 32 MEAD LUMBER $ 230.01 BUILDING SUPPLIES 33 MID DAKOTA EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE $ 173.69 JAIL WASHING MACHINE DOOR LOCK ACTUATOR 34 OLD DUTCH FOODS, INC $ 818.01 JAIL COMMISSARY 35 OMNIGO SOFTWARE $ 12,517.31 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER SOFTWARE AGREEMENT 36 PHARMCO INDUSTRIES $ 1,125.00 ICE SKATING RINK TARP 37 PONTEM SOFTWARE $ 1,655.00 ANNUAL CEMETERY SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION 38 RUNNING SUPPLY CO $ 643.75 MONTHLY STATEMENT 39 SCHAEFFER & COMPANY $ 4,800.00 MONTHLY STATEMENT 40 SD AIRPORT MANAGEMENT ASSOC $ 50.00 SDML ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 41 SD ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT $ 75.00 SDML ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 42 SD BUILDING OFFICIALS' ASSOC $ 55.00 SDML ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 43 SD DEPT OF AGRICULTURE & NATURAL RESOU $ 180.00 WATER AND WASTEWATER CLASSES 44 SD DEPT OF AGRICULTURE & NATURAL RESOU $ 2,500.00 NPDES MUNICIPAL - STORMWATER PERMIT FEES 45 SD DEPT OF HEALTH $ 346.00 LOGOON SAMPLES 46 SD GOVERNMENTAL FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC $ 70.00 SDML ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 47 SD GOVERNMENTAL HUMAN RESOURCES ASSO $ 75.00 SDML ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 48 SDRA $ 195.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 49 SIRCHIE $ 98.75 DRUG TEST KITS 50 SOUTH DAKOTA 811 $ 16.80 MONTHLY MESSAGING FEES 51 TRI-COUNTY LANDFILL $ 7,578.60 MONTHLY TIPPING FEES 52 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES $ 4.30 UTILITY BILLING CALL/TEXT NOTIFICATIONS 53 US BANK - ST PAUL $ 660.00 JAIL BOND ADMINISTRATION FEES 54 VOLLAN OIL $ 5,822.80 DECEMBER BULK FUEL 55 WELCH'S PEST CONTROL $ 150.00 JAIL PEST CONTROL SPRAYING 56 WELLS FARGO - CHANDRA WEIDNER $ 199.65 EMPLOYEE APPLICATOR LICENSE & ELECTION WORKER FOOD 57 WELLS FARGO - JUSTIN DAY $ 353.87 CHRISTMAS CARDS/LANGUAGE LINE/BLIZZARD FUEL 58 WELLS FARGO - LORI KALENDA $ 446.05 TRANSPORT FUEL AND CPR CERTIFICATES 59 WELLS FARGO - TROY KRUGER $ 573.03 MEAL FOR SNOW REMOVAL CREW AND SAFETY CABLES 60 WHOLESALE SUPPLY COMPANY $ 4,394.40 COMMISSARY AND 5 GALLON WATER 61 WINNER ADVOCATE $ 844.07 MONTHLY ADVERTISING 62 WINNER PLUMBING & HEATING LLC $ 315.67 SEWER JETTING 63 WINNER TRUE VALUE $ 88.43 MONTHLY STATEMENT 64 WW TIRE SERVICE, INC $ 29.19 TIRE REPAIR 1/16/24 ACCTS PAYABLE CLAIMS $ 84,987.07 GRAND TOTAL CLAIMS $ 291,002.38

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325 S Monroe Street

Suite #118

Winner, SD 57580


Phone: 605-842-2606




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© 2035 by City of Winner. Proudly created by Drop Tine Design.

Employment Policy Resolution

The City of Winner does hereby declare it is the fundamental policy of the City of Winner to provide equal opportunity to all of its employees and applicants for employment (skilled, unskilled and professional) and to assure there shall be no discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, marital status or political beliefs unless related to a bonified occupational requirement.  To this end, the City of Winner will take steps to equalize opportunity for employment at all levels of denied equal opportunity; minority group members, women and the handicapped; and the City of Winner recognizes an obligation to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified applicant or employee unless the accommodation imposes an undue hardship.

All applicants for employment with the City of Winner will be recruited from the available labor market, evaluated on each person’s individual qualifications and abilities.  All employees shall be afforded equal employment opportunity during their term of employment, and are guaranteed protection against retaliation for exercising any legal or administrative procedures to secure right to equal employment or testifying on behalf of someone else doing so.

All administrators and supervisors are responsible for and shall be committed to achieving and promoting an equal employment opportunity program.

Adoption of this document reaffirms the City of Winner’s policy of non-discrimination in employment, including but not limited to the following:  recruitment, selection, placement, testing, promotion, transfer, discipline, demotion, layoff and termination.   Effective Date:  10-3-88

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